PHP stands for (Hypertext Preprocessor) it is a server side open source scripting language and is also used for the general purpose programming language which is a strong source of website development and website design for interactive website pages rapidly. PHP is widely used and is an open source programming language which is more efficient development platforms in comparison to or other technologies. PHP is used for the development of dynamic websites and web applications. PHP code can easily integrate with other scripting languages like HTML, CSS, Java script it can use various template design tools. Php code can easily process by interpreter then implement as web servers native modules or CGI executable.

PHP Frameworks

  • Laravel is web application framework with an expressive, elegant syntax.
  • CodeIgniter is a very powerful PHP framework with a small footprint, built for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications.
  • Yii is fast, secure, and a very efficient PHP framework and is Flexible yet pragmatic. Works right out of the box.

Benefits of PHP

Benefits of the PHP Application Development & Customization:-

  • PHP is an open Source Development Platform.
  • PHP can Suit to Almost All Servers.
  • PHP is Cost Effective.
  • PHP is a Fast Working Easy Development.
  • PHP Support Broad Range of Database.
  • PHP is Performance Efficient.
  • PHP can Support Broad Range Platforms like (windows, Mac, Linux).

Characteristics of PHP

  • Simple
  • Secure
  • Scalable
  • Familiarity
  • Efficient
  • Flexible
  • Object oriented


  • Shopping cart
  • B2B listing portals
  • B2B listing portals
  • Forum & message board solutions
  • Blog solutions
  • Directory / classified soutions
  • Content management soultions
  • Membership websites

By using our PHP development services, we can help you deliver the best e-commerce stores, CMS, CRM and other complex deliveries required for your business. Our dedicated team and spontaneous support can help you get the flexibility and scalability solution that can help you achieve great results. If you want us to manage the development of your PHP, then we will hope to hear from you soon. If you’re looking for a trusted web design agency in Delhi, India to bring your vision to life, we would love to hear from you soon!